Dr Chantel’s baby reflux cheat sheet

So your little one has been diagnosed with baby reflux and may have been put on medication or maybe not.

Dr Chantel da Silva treats babies with refluxIf you have already seen me for an appointment, I mentioned this little cheat sheet.  Because let’s face it, it’s a lot of information to take in!  I totally understand the emotional toll that baby reflux has on you and your family, so I am here to understand your journey and to guide you through it.

We know one thing for certain: when it comes to baby reflux, non-drug/conservative care should be attempted before giving medications in uncomplicated cases.

The aspects below affect both the frequency and pain-causing ability of baby reflux which can lead to GERD (a syndrome of symptoms – spitting up, crying, coughing, choking, arching, wheezing- resulting in painful regurgitation).


Here is my baby reflux cheat sheet:

  • Identify and manage breastfeeding difficulties, such as latching issues, tongue/lip ties and fast let-down.  Get a lactation consultant involved!!  In the Table View area, we refer to Eileen from HoneySuckle and Sister Doriska.  In the CBD area, you can contact Emma.
  • Lay baby on their left side because it helps to tighten the stomach valve.
  • Place baby on a wedge, with their head higher than their body.  Simply use a folded towel under their mattress or co-sleeper/pod.
  • Avoid prolonged time in a car seat!!!  That funny squished up position in a floppy newborn only puts excessive pressure on a full tummy.
  • Read baby’s hunger cues before they are crazy hungry and crying excessively because this opens the valve at the top of the stomach.
  • Do block feeding, i.e. feed on one breast at each feed so that baby gets a good balance between foremilk and hindmilk – more fat and less lactose.
  • Give smaller feeds, more often.  The longer their stomach is empty the more acidic it could become.
  • The more milk volume is taken in, the more likely spit-up will happen.
  • Humans have carrier infants, meaning babies are always with mom and have uninterrupted access to milk.
  •  The above also applies to bottle-fed babies.
  • If bottle-fed, try the hypoallergenic formula for at least 2 weeks – discuss with your Paed first.
  • CMPA (Cows Milk Protein Allergy) can present as reflux.  For breastfed babies, do a 2-week trial of absolutely NO milk products in mom’s diet, check labels of what you eat.  If there is no change in 2 weeks, resume your normal diet.
  • Burp more frequently using all the burping techniques I showed you.
  • Keep nappies loose.
  • Don’t dress babies in tight pants with waistbands.
  • Change nappies before a feed.
  • Hold baby upright for 20-30 mins after a feed.
  • Be highly responsive to your baby.  If they want to be on you all the time, wear them safely in a carrier.  If they don’t want to sleep in their cot, co-sleep safely.
  • Do not allow your baby to come into contact with any smoke, 2nd hand or even 3rd hand smoke.  Tobacco exposure causes the valve of the stomach to relax and increases the risk of asthma, pneumonia, apnea and SIDS.

Dr Chantel da Silva helps babies with reflux

It’s a difficult job figuring out the needs of a tiny human that can’t speak.  Trying to sort out reflux, fussiness and spit-up issues can be complicated.  These tips help to lessen the risk of baby reflux happening and causing pain and irritability for your baby.

If you have any questions for me please get in touch.

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