Dr Chantel’s baby reflux cheat sheet

Dr Chantel da Silva treats reflux babies

So your little one has been diagnosed with baby reflux and may have been put on medication or maybe not. If you have already seen me for an appointment, I mentioned this little cheat sheet.  Because let’s face it, it’s a lot of information to take in!  I totally understand the emotional toll that baby…

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Can Chiropractic care help with colic babies?

Chiropractic care helps for colic babies

One of the questions we get a lot is: “Will chiropractic help with my colic (fussy, gassy or crampy) baby?” Let’s get down to it – colic isn’t always a clear cut diagnosis, in fact, it’s not a diagnosis at all.  Think of colic as something babies do, a behaviour pattern, rather than something babies…

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Facts about crying babies

What do we know about crying babies?

What do we actually know about crying babies? I spend considerable time assessing what is appropriate or not for newborns.  A big part of this is understanding crying babies, what this means to the parents and could mean about the health of the baby.  So this post that Nuri from Squishy Tushy and I came…

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